The new phrase sweeping the country is “Vote or Die.”
The media has played a major part in the Nov. 2 elections withcommercials, news and even music videos.
Many celebrities have been using their fame to encourage youngchildren to vote. MTV has issued a 30-minute weekly series “Chooseor Lose.” The series consist of a different topic every week, andcelebrities such as P.Diddy, David Banner and many more,interviewed youth known as the “hip hop generation” on differentissues affecting their lives.
P. Diddy has been a major contributor in encouraging youngpeople to vote. Diddy has had many public announcement commercialsshown primarily on MTV and BET to instill in the youth of Americahow important voting is in this year’s election. Diddy also made apublic appearance on the MTV reality show the “Real World” to showhow important it is to get the word out into the streets tovote.
BET has issued the music video “Wake Up” featuring singers suchas Mary J. Blige, Jaheim and others. The song is a remake of the1970s version by Harold Melvin & the Bluenotes and TeddyPendergrass, and sends out a subliminal message to peopleeverywhere to wake up and vote in this year’s election.
Many students on Dillard’s campus feel that the media hasinspired our age group to get up and vote. AmiKole Diagne, asophomore english major from Bronx, N.Y. said “I feel that it’sgood that so many hip hop moguls are getting involved in whorepresents us politically because they definitely influence themajority of the African American vote, and if they promotepositivism the hip hop generation has no choice but to followsuit.”
“Although positive, the commercials to get my age group to votehave not directly influenced me.
My intentions were to vote in this year’s election regardless.The media, however, has reaffirmed my decision and inspired me toinform others about the importance of voting,” said CharlotteLovelace, a sophomore english major from Shreveport, La.
Many students said the media influencing our young generation tovote can really make a difference in this year’s election.