On Oct. 12, 1952, eight different universities came together toform Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority. As a result ofover 50 years of tradition, the ladies of Gamma Sigma SigmaNational Service Sorority on Dillard’s campus will celebrate theirservice organization’s founder’s day since it has beenreactivated.
Thirty years ago on February 24, 1974 on Dillard’s campus, theDelta Phi chapter was created. The main purpose of thisorganization was service and last, 18 ladies worked to reestablishthe organization’s purpose.
Kenetria Newman, the sorority’s fundraising chair at Dillard,said the goal of Gamma Sigma Sigma was to serve. Newman said thatthe desire to serve is what all of the members have in common.
This year, they have already begun to fulfill this purpose byrecently participating with Habitat for Humanity.
Since the organization has been reinstated at Dillard, they havebeen involved in many community service activities such as CampusKitchen and the Ronald McDonald House, in which Newman said was themost memorable. Newman also said that with the Ronald McDonaldHouse, “most of the kids are sick,” but one child, Gipsy Rose stoodout and made their whole experience unforgettable.
Yolanda Clements-Martin, Dillard’s community servicecoordinator, advises the organization and this semester, GammaSigma Sigma plans to reach out to the community and Dillardstudents through a series of events.
Founder’s Day activities will begin next week with an arts andcrafts drive scheduled to take place Oct. 10-15 in Kearny Hall. Theorganization also plans to have pillow talks geared toward femalestudents, with the goal of better helping them to understandthemselves. Students can be on the lookout for the Gamma SigmaSigma display board as well as future events from theorganization.
Sometimes mixed up with other social organizations, Newman saidthat they are all about service. According to Newman thegroup’s focus is “to gather in the spirit of helpingothers.”