It seemed like an eternity. Students have been complaining forso long, and now, the wait is over. People are listening.
Information Technology and Telecommunication [ITT], askedstudents for their opinions on what could make internet service,cable, voicemail and other ITT related services better and studentshave spoken.
Students responded in a positive manor and said the ITT servicesare ranked as satisfactory. Of the four students that haveresponded thus far, three are pleased with the service that ITTprovides. Being that many complaints to ITT have been made, somesaid there should have been more respondents.
Terri Simon, the Interim Vice President of ITT, believes thatnot a lot of students know that the survey can be accessed throughtheir Dillard e-mail address. The survey will be available untilOct. 22.
“A lot of people complain and don’t do anything,” said Simon. Hesuggests that more students take the survey because it takes nolonger than 10 minutes to complete.
More faculty and staff responded to the survey, 17 to be exact.Simon said that staff and students had the same complaintsconcerning ITT services. Those complaints were: repeated submissionof the same request, slow response time to the request, andinternet access being too slow and unreliable.
The ITT office works with a limited staff, according to Simon,”There are 20 people on staff.” These twenty people are responsiblefor internet service, voicemail, audio conferencing, cable, celltowers, video conferencing, all PC and administrative systems. Inother words, the workload in the ITT office is always high.
However Simon realizes that, “Excuses are a dressed up lie.”Therefore, ITT plans to address many of the issues that staff,faculty and students presented.
Stephania Juste, a transfer student from Florida, said, “I don’tthink that any one knows about the survey, but now that I know;I’ll probably take it.” She also said ITT should upgrade thecomputers because they are really slow.
“No one goes on the campus web; I checked my email for the firsttime a couple days ago,” said Andrae Allen a freshman fromNebraska. “ITT needs to advertise better and make fliers.”