During the week of Sept. 7 to 10, the class of 2008 electionsentered its final stages. This year saw candidates tackling thetraditional campaign methods of posting signs, speaking at freshmanevents, and going door-to-door at residence halls in an attempt tocampaign for a coveted spot on the freshman cabinet.
But the class of 2008 got some help from the student governmentassociation, under president Brandon Bowers, who has pledged torevive some of Dillard’s signature events under his term. He andthe vice-president of the student government Malana Joseph, asenior mass communications major, took charge by organizing specialevents to bring attention to the class elections.
On Friday Sept. 3, the poles opened for freshmen to elect theirrepresentatives for this school year. Due to a low number ofvoters, the polls reopened to give the students who did notexercise the right to vote the first time around, another chance todo so.
“I liked how they tried to make the elections more of a campuswide thing, but I still think that people were a littledisinterested with the matter,” said Monifa Damus, a Tallahassee,Fla. pre-law major.
Damus pointed to an event where the candidates recited speechesat Kearny Hall on Thursday Sept. 2.
“I hope that these elections will influence students to be partof the presidential elections this year”, said Glendora James, aDallas, Texas nursing major.
“I feel very exited, although I have a lot of work ahead of me,”said Lee Miller II, who was elected class president. Miller is fromLittle Rock, Ark. and is a pre-med major. He is planning onfollowing an itinerary to keep the class of 2008 on top of academicand public affairs this year.
He and newly elected vice-president Senae Hall plan to worktogether lead the freshman class this year. Other successfulcandidates included Jarrett Lemieux as treasurer; Rickesha Smith assecretary; Calvin Haynes as parliamentarian; Brittany Thomas asclass queen; Stephanie Woodward as class attendant, and KelvinHaynes as chaplain.
Now that the results are in, the new class officers aregathering ideas to exercise their new responsibilities to benefitthe freshman class.
“I hope to organize more community service within the city’sschool districts. Remembering that my classmates appointed me to myposition, I plan on executing a great job all year,” said StephanieWoodward, who was elected class attendant.
The new freshman class officers plan on doing an excellent jobthis school year by performing tasks and duties they believe willcater to the freshman class.