Word on the Ave: Students pictured starting clockwise; De’Ante Hills, freshman, psychology major from New Orlreans; Trinity James, Freshman, nursing from San Diego;Da’rell Domineck, senior, Business major from Cincinnati, Ohio; Jamaar Robinson, sophomore, Film Major from Austin, Texas; and Christopher Booker, sophomore, Computer Science mahor from Houston.
Editor’s note: Interviews conducted by Marissa Pittman and photos by Photo Editor J’Brionne Helaire.
De’Ante Hills
New Orleans
“I honestly feel like we should be all online. Cases are rising, and the mayor is shutting things down like last time. On the way to class, we are bunched up like sardines.”
Trinity James
San Diego
“I feel like better communication between students and professors would help. Professors can be lazy with communication; for example, sending Zoom links five minutes before class is something to work on so we aren’t stressing.”
Da’rell Domineck
Cincinnati, Ohio
“Making it more interactive between students and what they are teaching besides just lecturing for the whole class [would help]. Making it more in-person like they were calling on students with questions.”
Jamaar Robinson
Austin, Texas
“If my teachers responded to their emails and communication with professors would be nice. I feel like there is a huge block in communication. ”
Christopher Allen Booker ”
Computer Science
“If they figure out a way to be more interactive. Even if they make us turn on our cameras, it is still boring. We need something to keep us going maybe like a game or something.”