NEW ORLEANS (September 26,2023)– Waltiyanna Carter and Paris Allen were elected as Miss and Mister Freshman in the 2023 Fall election on
Sept. 15, according to the Center for Student Engagement and Leadership.
Originally, Sanai Malone and Roderick Morning-Trice were named Miss and Mister Freshman. This was considered a counting error by the Center for Student Engagement and Leadership.
Carter, a theater major from Thibodaux, Louisiana and Allen, a public health major from Laplace, Louisiana will be participants in Coronation during homecoming happening this November.
“I was excited to have the opportunity to run again but I felt incredibly sorry for my fellow candidates,” said Carter. “Overall I understand that mistakes happen and that the commissioners are humans so I’m just excited to be on Royal Court and able to work hard to serve my class the best way possible!”
Royal court candidates were ranked in three categories: student body votes (50%), closed interview (20%) and the pageant (30%). All three scores resulted in the final score.
Eighteen students ran for the positions of Mister and Miss Freshman, freshman senator and representative, sophomore senator and representative, junior senator and representative and senior representative, with the addition of Mister Sophomore and Mister Dillard.
Others that ran for the Miss Freshman were Chloe Higginbotham, Trinitee Taylor, Janora Jones, Naysa Sutherlin, and Sanai Malone. Jeremiah Richardson and Roderrick Morning-Trice ran for Mister Freshman.
Mister Sophomore and Mister Dillard also had two open positions for this election. Jarreau Vinson, a music industry sophomore won Mr. Sophomore and Tyler Finley, a biology senior won Mister Dillard. Both Vinson and Finley ran unopposed.
SGA Positions Included
New class representatives: Tyler Brown, a freshman business and psychology major; Cymoine Holmes, junior film major; and Sanaa Bradley, senior music industry major. All three students were unopposed in the race.
New class senators: Praise Akodu, a freshman Psychology major; Justin Moss, a freshman social work major; Gabrielle Mitchell, sophomore psychology pre-med major, Stephon’ie White, sophomore social work major; and Abbey-Lynn Gonzalez, junior music major. Gonzalez was also unopposed.