Clarence Shaw
Classification: Senior
Major: Business Management
Hometown: Pasadena, California
“One thing I feel like our student leaders should advocate for is for more Garden parties. I say that because, you know, when I was living on campus, we had a lot of garden parties. That’s the time and place for the community to come together, and take a load off. We should talk to DUPD, and have a clear understanding; that’s one thing. We should also have more pop-up shops, where the student leaders bring, like, convenient items, such as hair supplies, or basic hygiene or snacks, or school supplies to give out to the students.”

Rilea Chambers
Classification: Sophomore
Major: Visual Arts
Hometown: Houston, Texas
“Better food in Kearny. That’s it.”

Antoria Sykes
Classification: Sophomore
Major: Film
Hometown: Mobile, Alabama
“I want them to advocate for listening to the student body more and not just strictly their own agendas. Like we voice our opinions at events, so I want them to advocate for listening to all of us, not just some of us.”

Evan Barreto
Classification: Freshman
Major: Urban Studies
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
“Probably a couple of better conditions for our students. I mean, I think Kearny could use some work you know. Our dorms kinda need some work, I’m in Straight Hall, you know we kinda need some work done in there.”

Jamya Lumpkin
Classification: Sophomore
Major: Business Administration & Marketing
Hometown: Houston, Texas
“Advocate for the campus; from the dorms to Kearny, to the library, to the Chapel. Please Advocate for the campus. Get these buildings fixed, ceilings fixed, get the mold out, bring in A.C. That’s what we need. Everything else is not important to me.”