Jayvin Joseph
New Orleans, LA
“That would have to be the most beloved, the most excellent; Melanin Models Association. I feel as though Melanin Models imbues a lot of confidence and motivation towards students and to whoever is a participant and we do a lot for the students. So, I definitely agree on Melanin Models being one of the top organizing teams.”

Kerry Spears
Public Health
Houston, TX
“Well, I have two favorite organizations, one would be Slow Foods and that’s located across from Georges in PSB and then the other is DillardCosmo. It’s a cosmetology organization. Slow foods is basically like, we have a food pantry in there and then we talk about food insecurities and address food insecurities and then basically we do planting around school. We have a planting event coming this Thursday, so if you want to come in plant the seeds in the garden beds over there, you can do that. And then, DillardCosmo is just basically like hair tips, nail tips, makeup tips, just like basically a growing and learning cosmetology community.”
Nailah Long
Mass Communication
Los Angeles, CA
“I would say CPT because they keep everyone on campus engaged and you know, having fun during the week or whatever. Come to CPT events, as well, so yeah!”
Malaysia Brown
Mobile, AL
“I’d say the Melanin Models Association just because they’re very engaging and they’re good with keeping us up to date and making sure everything is in order.”
Carey Simon
Computer Science
Mobile, AL
“I say CPT, the Campus Programming Team. I enjoy the events they have here on campus.”