New Orleans – Sabrina Greenlee held The Real Game Changers event at Dillard University during Super Bowl week, bringing students together to share her story of overcoming adversity and making a positive impact. The event, which took place on Thursday, Feb. 8, showcased powerful discussions around resilience, empowerment, and leadership.
“I think them [students] taking away the fact that no matter what you go through, that anything is possible,” said Greenlee, the founder of The Real Game Changers. “It was important for me to tap into my culture. Not only just coming back and giving back, but feeling the energy and the love from HBCUs. It’s important.”
Greenlee is the mother of Chief’s Receiver, DeAndre Hopkins, and founder of SMOOTH, a non-profit domestic violence campaign.
HBCU Correspondent and Marketer Destinee Kerr, the host of the event, emphasized the importance of the gathering. “Not only is Dillard the standard, but all HBCUs in Louisiana are the standard and the exception. We need to put them at the forefront,” Kerr said. “I think students took away that resilience and perseverance is key.”
The event attracted an engaged audience from all over New Orleans, sparking inspiring conversations and motivating attendees to become catalysts for change in their own lives.
The event featured panel discussions, a Q&A session, and networking opportunities for attendees to engage with women who have made notable strides in business, social justice, and advocacy. The diverse group of speakers offered unique insights into how they achieved