NEW ORLEANS (March 23, 2018) – It’s that time of year again for campus math maniacs to dust off their trusty calculators and begin studying math equations to win prizes: The deadline to apply for the 2018 Algebra Relay is Monday, April 2.
The annual Algebra Relay is set for 11 a.m. Wednesday, April 11, in 131 PSB, followed by the awards presentation and reception at 2:30 p.m.
It is a feature of the 2018 Undergraduate Research Week, which also highlights the Undergraduate Research and Creative Work Competition, scheduled for the following day, Thursday, April 12.
Up to 30 students, in teams of five from any major, will be selected to compete in the Algebra Relay, which is similar to a baton relay race with the first person to answer the first question, the second person to solve the second problem and to continue in this pattern until all of the problems have been solved. The problems are derived basically from material covered in MAT121 College Algebra.
Students may apply as a team or as an individual. Individual students will be grouped to create teams. Teams may be advised by any faculty member who does not teach in the math program.
The amount of the cash prizes have yet to be determined, listed as “tba” in the relay guidelines, but every contestant will receive a certificate.
Last year’s individual awards were $100 for first place, $75 for second place and $50 for third place.
To register, complete the entry form sent to all students through email and return it by the deadline to Lynn Strong, director of the Office of Undergraduate Research, in 301 Rosenwald. The event is a collaborative effort of the office and the math program.