Editor’s Note: The column “18 Questions” is a popular one with many Dillard Students, who may ask questions serious or facetious, insightful or inane. It is named after the year the university was founded, 1869.
1. WHO DAT?!!
2. How many people are still tired from Super Bowl weekend?
3. Now that the Saints have won, is Reggie Bush really going to marry Kim K?
4. How many women are hoping that the answer is no?
5. Did anyone see their professors in the street in acting a fool?
6. Is it true Melton did not pay the DJ for his services way back in October?
7. How many Q’s go to Dillard again?
8. Is the administration trying to divide the “Divine Nine” Greeks on campus?
9. Why is the girl who works in Cafe a la Cart never at the counter?
10. Has anyone else noticed some of the janitors are always “booted up”? A smile wouldn’t hurt.
11. Why are events held on campus announced the day before? Can you say “planning”?
12. Why don’t some administrators answer their emails?
13. Why do big men think the skinny-leg jeans are sexy? It’s barely sexy for the skinniest, so you know that’s not for you, boo.
14. Does Dillard have us under some new policy? No cell phone, no texting, no hats, no talking, raise your hand, where are you going … Where is all this coming from? I feel like I’m in high school.
15. Where are all the single, smart, intelligent, neat, tall, cute, respectful, straighter-than-straight men on campus?
16. Did the security guards – oops, I meant police officers – see the last “18 Questions”? If so, why are we still having the same problem?
17. If I leave Dillard with this supposedly $200 ID, will they really come after me?
18. Why does it take a whole month or longer to get a check made?