Calls of the social and service greek organizations have beenless audible this year, but the greek life of the organizationscontinues to flourish. Currently, six social greek organizationsare active on Dillard’s campus with opportunities to have intakeprocesses in Spring 2005.
According to Mahauganee Shaw, assistant dean and director forthe office of student engagement and leadership development, thesix organizations include Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., OmegaPsi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., DeltaSigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc., and ZetaPhi Beta Sorority, Inc.After the graduation of Dillard’s only member of Iota Phi ThetaFraternity, Inc., membership in the organization remains open ifDillard students show an interest.
Currently, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Kappa Alpha PsiFraternity, Inc. are suspended from campus due to either nationalor Dillard suspension until further notice is given.
All past requirements to participate in social greekorganizations will stand for future processes. Shaw said that theuniversity still has a zero tolerance hazing policy and remindsstudents that they must sign an anti-hazing policy form.
Other requirements include a cumulative GPA of 2.75 with no “I”grades, at least a sophomore classification with 30 hours of classwork, a zero balance including all work-study debts, good standingwith the university and full-time enrollment.
Shaw did say that pledging at another university, also known ascross pledging, is an option for students interested inorganizations that are not active on Dillard’s campus, but studentswill be required to follow that school’s greek intake policies.
Shaw said that there are no formal connections between Dillardand other universities, but the option is out there for studentswho are willing to do the research and the work.
Though Shaw recently joined the Dillard family in August, plansto improve and increase greek life on campus have been apriority.
“We need to get NPHC [National Pan-Hellenic Council]re-organized, because it is not organized and functioningproperly,” Shaw said.
Shaw’s plans for the organization include programs hosted in acollaborative effort by the different sororities andfraternities.
A.J. Glynn, a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., agreesthat collaborative events could be positive to show students “theunity is there,” she said.
Glynn, a senior English major from Fort Worth, Texas, agreedthat the NPHC could be stronger, “but I also feel that they have tohave the leadership.”
Glynn said that adequate meetings with the advisors of theorganization, administration leaders, and Shaw, who is over greeklife, would be steps to take toward strengthening theorganization.Daniel Davis, a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. said thatthe variety found in the organizations make the NPHC stronger.
“The good thing is that each organization brings variety and isunique,” Davis said.Davis, a junior chemistry major from New Orleans, La., also agreedthat the Pan-Hellenic Council could be better but it is also theorganizations’ responsibility.
“It’s up to each organization to come together and make itbetter,” Davis said.Aaron Smith, a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., agreedthat the NPHC is not up to par, but communication and relationshipsbetween the organizations are sufficient.Service organizations are also on Shaw’s list to improve.
Shaw said that changes are being made to the organizations tohelp to distinguish between social and service organizations.
Changes include the overall terminology of the processes. Whilesocial and service organizations have called their membershipprocess an “intake process” or “pledge processes” in the past, Shawhas changed the membership process for service organizations to”membership educational processes.”
Kenneth Hughlon, a junior political science major from KansasCity, Mo. and member of Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity, saidthat he is open to the change, but some of the changes may beinterpreted in the same way.
“There is a difference between social and serviceorganizations,” Hughlon said, “however, the language would beinterpreted to be the same because you are still going through amembership intake process”.
Shaw also plans to have noticeable characteristics that show thedifferences in service and social organizations. One characteristicShaw mentioned is the selection processes used to decide whoparticipates in service organizations’ membership educationalprocesses. Shaw said that service processes should not beselective.
Hughlon and Shaw agree that communication between the social andservice organizations is good.
Other service fraternities and sororities on campus includeGamma Sigma Sigma Service Sorority and Phi Gamma Nu BusinessFraternity.