Diversity can be defined as a point or respect in which things differ. And within the last two weeks at Dillard University we have seen a multitude of differences and cultural activities Dillard University hosted its 4th Annual International week, April 4-8.
It kicked off with a Student Study Abroad Symposium to Public Readings and Lectures to Cultural Movie Nights. Although the whole week was packed full of creativity, the last day proved to be most important. The International Heritage Festival on Friday in Kabacoff. It was a semi global experience brought to us all in one place, all at one time.
Students were able to go to tables and look at art of countries, presentations of countries by the Voces Hispanas Spanish Club as well as try the food that Kearny provided with an International touch. There was also live music to make the place very interesting and stimulating. Junior, Criminal Justice major, Tiffany Harry of Bogalusa, LA said “It made students’ minds want to explore outside of our country. It also helped them to explore other options beyond American food if you weren’t already exposed.”
In the midst of the activities and the events. There is another surface that has been yet to be scratched. The people of whom come from those counties or people with descendants of many countries with different customs and traditions. I have taken it upon myself to go inside of the World Languages Department here at Dillard and interview some professors for students to get a feel for what those professors teach and what type of backgrounds that they all come from.
I am enrolled in MAC 440 internship class and my goal was to strive to make the World Language Department recognized through means of communication resources such as a brochure, press release for International Week as well as a newsletter.
Students often are closed minded to other languages and cultures other than their own. Some may feel it is too hard and often shy away from those types or courses. Or others may not have time, and when they have that extra time many aren’t trying anything exciting and new. So as an idea I thought it would be ideal for students to get to know some professors of World Languages Department and where they are located. As well as getting information from those professors about study abroad opportunities from the Office of Global Studies.