Sixty-six student apartments in Gentilly Gardens that couldn’tbe used in the fall are available and in use this spring, according toWarren Atkins Jr., director of residential life.The 66 units, which is more than two-thirds of the 94 total inthe complex traditionally for upperclassman, were unavailable inthe fall semester because they required repairs.When asked how many students are now living on campus withthe addition of the apartments, Atkins said he was not sure sinceregistration has just ended and final numbers are unavailable.The status of Straight Hall and Camphor Hartzel, dorms thathoused freshman prior to damage inflicted by Hurricane Katrina,are uncertain at this time. The buildings currently are not scheduledfor residential use, he said.”The good thing is that they’re (Gentilly Gardens Apartments)back online,” Atkins said.Some upperclassmen, like Marcus McNeil of New Orleans, areupset about having had to live in the “Duals” last fall. McNeil saidhe had been waiting for three years to live in the Gardens.
(Jamil Davis and Juan Barnes contributed to this report.)