Attending college today can be very expensive. Between paying for tuition, books, meals and other activities, funds become exhausted. Because of this, many full time students are forced to get part time jobs. They may not be ready to join the work force, but have no choice.
Sometimes these jobs have negative affects on students grades. Often students feel that there is just not enough time in the day to attend classes, go to their place of employment, and afterwards go home and study. But then there are others who believe that regardless if they are employed; their grades would remain the same.
Are you an employed college student? Many students were surveyed and the results were surprising. The results indicate that at least 60 percent agreed your grades are not affected. And 40 percent grades were affected by their part time jobs.
Many students are organized and not affected by employment. Sophomore Saidah Smith said, "No, my part time job did not affect my grades because I prioritized and organized." It takes a lot of effort and hard work to manage both schoolwork and a job. But many students are capable of doing so, even though it may be both strenuous and stressful at times.
Students who are affected said their grades have declined since they have found jobs. "My part time job has affected my grades tremendously. It’s tiring having to juggle a job as well as school. My job took time from when I could have been studying," said Danisha Jones, a sophomore.
Students need to be more time conscience. They must make time to study, do homework, write papers and go to work. It may be overwhelming at times, but it is possible. They must also make sure they are putting first things first. Sophomore Corey Smith said, "My part time job did not affect my grades because I tend to put a little extra effort into my class work because I know what comes first — school over work."
Sophomore Ameka Cheatham said, "My job didn’t affect me but you just have to know how to manage your time. But if you don’t your grades will definitely be affected. I work only one day a week and weekends. And during exam weeks I ask for time off so that I can study."
Overworking can also affect a student’s grades. Because of this many students work less hours, even though they won’t be getting paid a lot.
"My job doesn’t affect my grades because I only work on weekends and I study during the week," said Tamyra Terry, a sophomore.
But since college is so costly some students have no choice but to work extra hours just to stay in school. Regardless, one can succeed at school while working part or full time.