My fear and concern for the African American community has morethan doubled within the last four days. I just don’t understand howAfrican Americans can deny their right to vote or even vote for aman has boldly shown little or no respect for the African Americancommunity. What happened to making an educated decision? Whathappened to doing what was best for the African American communityinstead of looking out for only ourselves?
In a recent conversation with Dillard students, I spoke withsome who consciously chose not to vote and others who chose tosupport the Republican Party.
My first reaction was disappointment. It amazes me that peoplecan take the rights that our grandparents struggled to get so thatthey can pass them down to us and throw them out of the window.
Generations of the past wanted to make sure that everything theydidn’t have would be there for us and for our children, but whatwill our children and grandchildren say about our generation?
Will they be able to say that my grandmother and grandfather foughtfor Affirmative Action in 2004 by voting against the man who helpedprovide attorneys to argue against it or that they started a votingrevolution that resulted in African Americans being represented inthe largest numbers in history at the polls in the 2004election?
We know the president’s position on Affirmative Action, we knowthe president’s position on the war in Iraq, and we almost knowwhat he plans to do about healthcare.
My next reaction was shock because it also amazes me that peoplewith obvious opposition toward things like Affirmative Action canstill receive the support of people in the African Americancommunity. Proof of that is shown with the fact that republicanshold majorities in both the House of Representatives and the Senatenow.
Keep in mind that Dillard insurance, which has very limitedcoverage anyway, will only cover students enrolled in school. I saythis to remind people that unless you are on an extendededucational plan, after Dillard, which will be within thispresident’s term, other health insurance will have to be found ifyou want coverage.
It is a shame that Kerry’s pro-choice attitude or his belief insome Gay rights, both issues that have been questioned in theChristian community, are outweighing the number people who havelost their lives in a war over personal problems and oil, thenumber of American families struggling to pay for healthcarecoverage and in poverty, and the number of people still sufferingfrom unemployment.
Those planning to attend graduate school or a professionalschool may have a harder time than expected if Affirmative Actionis completely removed from the selection process. But those whovoted for Bush must think that’s okay. They must say that Americahas gotten to the point where we can look beyond race to admitpeople into school. NOT. This is a dream of a utopian society, onethat will not exist in America in this lifetime and maybe not evenour children’s. If I still face discrimination on my job, whywouldn’t people have to fight it in the education system?
People may have voted that Bush is a “better leader” but myquestion is for whom?
He may be a good leader for his republican colleagues, for richpeople, Halliburton, for others with conservative views, corruptbusinesses or those in the oil industry, but he is not a goodleader for African Americans. After continually refusing to meetwith the NAACP and declining interviews with BET, some thingsshould be obvious. Many have found that the Urban League has themore conservative blacks, so that’s who he’d rather deal with.He’ll go and speak to their organization.
I’m from Texas. I watched how more African American men weregiven the death penalty and executed during Bush’s reign asgovernor than ever in the history of Texas. I watch his ignorancetowards the African American community then, so why would peoplethink it would change when he became president? He’s been ignoringthe African American community for as long as I can remember, sodid you think that would change when we gave him moreresponsibility or control over our lives?
Bush critics have said the president is not operating thiscountry, Vice-President Dick Cheney is running this country. ItSHOULD be an insult to the African American community that the manrunning our country is completely ignorant towards the AIDSepidemic that is killing more African American women and childrenthan anyone else.
Being an African American female college student, I’m scared forthis country and I’m angry. I realized that in Louisiana and in allof the states of the United States, not everyone’s vote counts.Because we have a winner take all Electoral College, they didn’tconsider my vote. The 42 percent of people who voted for John Kerrydon’t matter because they only counted the people who contributedthe 57 percent that won George Bush Louisiana.
Those numbers are misleading. Just because Bush had the majorityof the state, it doesn’t mean he had all of this state’s support,so why should he get all of the state’s Electoral Collegevotes.
I can’t tell anyone who to vote for, but my fellow Dillardstudents, if anyone can justify for me how Pres. George W. Bush canbe a good leader for African Americans in this country, pleaseemail me back at [email protected].