A new gameroom is now in operation in the Student Union’s third floor after five months of renovation.
The gameroom, which features new equipment such as an Xbox 1, PlayStation 4, an air hockey table, basketball hoop shoot, a pool table and other games, officially opened this semester, according to Courtney Williams, director for student engagement and leadership. The hours are same as the union’s: 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. on weekdays and noon to 10 p.m. on weekends.
The vision of the Division of Student Success is that a new gameroom, relocated from the second floor and upgraded, would offer students another space to hang out with friends, outside of their rooms, and allow them to meet other students, according to Perry Brown, assistant director of campus recreation.
“We were looking at other school’s student unions and gamerooms, and we felt like the gameroom we had here was missing a lot, and a lot of students weren’t utilizing it,” Brown said.
Brown also encouraged students to take advantage of the other activities that the Student Union offers, including the bowling alley, the movie theatre, the fitness center and the innovation lab.
He said, “We’re just trying to make the Student Union a student hub so that everybody can just come here, enjoy themselves, relax and just get away.”