NEW ORLEANS (Nov. 30, 2018) – Fall 2018 enrollment increased by 17 students since the 2017-18 school year, with a total of 1,309 students currently enrolled and three-fourths of them female.
Fall 2017 enrollment was at 1,292, according to statistics provided online by the Office of Institutional Research.
The numbers of females increased slightly over last fall, with 993 (76 percent) females this year, compared with 72 percent in fall 2017.
More than a third of students (36.3 percent) are freshmen, with first-time freshmen numbering 373 and advanced freshmen, 102. The rest of the students are about evenly divided among other classifications: 255 sophomores, 220 juniors and 279 seniors. Another 64 were listed as transfers and 16 described as “others.”
Some 58 percent of DU students are from Louisiana, and 91 percent are classified as black.
Sixty-three percent of students live on campus, including 80 percent of first-time, first-year students.
A breakdown by state and all majors was requested of Institutional Research in October, but it had not been provided by the deadline. However, the Top 10 majors are:
- Biology, 203 students
- Public Health, 134
- Business Administration, 121
- Psychology, 97
- Criminal Justice, 97
- Mass Communication, 83
- Physics, 52
- Theatre Arts, 46
- Film, 40
- Political Science, 37.
Dillard University was founded in 1869 and is a four-year private liberal arts historically black university. The university is ranked No. 11 among all HBCUs in the nation, according to the most recent U.S. News and World Report’s Best College Rankings and is ranked in the Top 60 of all liberal arts colleges.
(India Walton contributed to this report.)