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The Student News Site of Dillard University


The Student News Site of Dillard University


The Student News Site of Dillard University


Staff Highlight: Paige Herrington

Staff Highlight: Paige Herrington

Zuri Primos March 6, 2024

Paige Herrington was recently promoted to the position of Interim Director for the Office of Residential Life as of February 8th, 2024. She first began at Dillard as a Residential Life Coordinator in November...

Asinine laws show government at work, but for whom – citizens or lobbyists?

Traci Ray April 21, 2010

We've all heard of some pretty asinine American laws – like the ones that used to be on the books legislating Jim Crow, interracial marriage and even spitting on the sidewalk. But check out...

Rabble-rousers still fighting over health care

Charley Steward April 15, 2010

The passage of U.S. health-care reform should mean the year-long fight is officially over, but the lawsuit Louisiana and other states are waging about the constitutionality of the law means we now are...

Attention, black men: Recent examples show the impossible is really possible

Traci Ray April 5, 2010

In a crime-ridden neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago (my hometown), where some people are scared to even let their children play outside, one public high school has done what many people probably...

Black-on-black violence: Will it ever end?

Angela Harris March 22, 2010

In a six-month span, I lost two male friends, Michael and Cody, because of senseless violence.Michael was a loving father and recent college graduate. Cody was a college student with a lust for life. Two...

Saints’ win give fans what they deserve

Ernest Robertson March 15, 2010

Drink it all in, Who Dat Nation. Drink it all in.Do not adjust your TV set. Do not pinch yourself. You have not entered "The Twilight Zone." This is not a Stanley Kubrick movie. You are not dreaming. The...

Our brothers in Haiti need our help

Charley Steward March 11, 2010

I'm sure we were all stunned – especially those who actually survived Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and/or lost loved ones and possessions – by the devastation of Haiti by two major earthquakes...

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