Dillard’s Theatre Departmentwill kick off its springseason with the six performancesof the musical”Crowns: Portraits of BlackWomen in Church Hats” inMarch, followed by a one-actstudent play festival in April,according to Cortheal Clark,department chairman.Junior theater major CanaeWhite stars as the play’smain character Yolonda inRegina Taylor’s “Crowns,”scheduled for the first twoweekends in March in theCook Theater. Performancesare set for 8 p.m. Friday andSaturday, March 6-7 and 13-14, along with matinees at2 p.m. Sunday, March 8 and14. A special showing forDillard students, faculty andstaff only is set for at 8 p.m.Thursday, March 5.The play, written by ReginaTaylor, is the story of sixwomen through the churchhats they wear to church. Itrevolves around Yolanda,who has been sent from thebig city to a small Southerntown to live with her grandmotherafter her brother iskilled. While trying to find away to cope with her brother’sdeath, Yolanda findscomfort in the church andits parishioners. The play isbeing directed by Sherri Marina,co-chairperson of theSpeech and Theater department.Junior Erin Waddell isthe play’s musical director.Other members of the castinclude: senior Roxie Wilsonas Mother Shaw, sophomoreYashicia Collins as Mabel, juniorKari Cojoe as Jeanette,freshman Deri’Andra Tuckeras Velma, freshman ChrishiraPerrier as Wanda and seniorOmbrey DeGrate as Man.The one-act play festivalwill feature plays chosen anddirected by seniors, Clarksaid. Performances will beheld at 8 p.m. Wednesdaythrough Saturday, April 22-25, with a matinee at 3 p.m.Sunday, April 26.Clark said the departmentdoes at least one piece ofclassical theater each year.That piece was “Macbeth,”performed in the fall.”We look at what’s popularon Broadway, the subjectmatter – if it’s interesting,thought-provoking, challenging,”he said. “It’s notonly for the university, butthe community as well toshow we are serious abouttheater.”The chairman said studentattendance has declinedpost-Katrina, but he hopesthe programming will drawin more students and membersof the community.Tickets for “Crowns” are$5 for DU students withID, $10 for senior citizensand other students with IDand $15 general admission.They are currently on sale,and special group tickets areavailable. Tickets for the special”DU Dollar Night” onMarch 5 are $2 with schoolID. For more information orto purchase tickets, call thetheater office at 816-4587 orvisit the box office in SamuelDuBois Cook Fine Arts Center.
Musical ‘Crowns’ to take stage at Cook in March
October 25, 2009
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