Hip-Hop hottest stars supported students interested in the musicbusiness. On Oct. 26, the Hip-Hop panel included B.G., Manni Fresh,KLC, and Fiend just to name a few.
“This has never been done by our radio station,” said ErinAkuamoah, a senior Mass Communications major and long time Hip-Hopadvocate who heads up Dillard’s WDUB radio station.
Akuamoah has attended Dillard for the last three years andworked hard to make this forum happen. Ivoire Lenior, who is asenior business marketing major, said “This event was right ontime.”
The Hip-Hop forum was the jump off to a long awaited visit fromindustry super stars. The three-hour forum was hosted by radiopersonality L Boogie from 104.5FM, and was attended by over 300students, much more than expected by organizers.
The forum began on a serious note by the D.J Mike Swift. D.JMike Swift stood behind turntables and delivered legendary hits byHip-Hop artists like Run DMC and LL Kool J to remind the crowd howfar Hip-Hop has come.
The most famous person to come on stage at that point was B.G.an original member of Cash Money. Then, Manni Fresh came on stageand the audience erupted in cheers as he approached the panel. Eventhough, no performances we rendered, the forum was successful inanswering student’s questions about Hip-Hop.
The forum concluded around 10 p.m., but the crowd did not seemto be upset as young women squealed like little girls and young menwere just as excited as the women.
Other guests included, DJ Raj Smooth who is a Dillard alumnuswho also helped answer questions from students.
The high-energy forum ended on an educational note as D.J. MikeSwift played Hip-Hop songs many in the audience had never heard.Students embraced the panel and the Hip-Hop stars walked off thestage, leaving the crowd in a standing ovation.