The two main concerns that college students, no longer revolvearound tuition woes and a scarce job market. Health and poor sexualpractices are in steady competition with these two factors.
Without a doubt, sexually transmitted diseases are spreadeveryday by students who do not engage in safe sex. The problem isnot the lack of available information, but the students who makechoices on whether they will access the information. Dillard is noexception.
Some students feel that Dillard has a responsibility to makesure students are informed and have access to contraceptives andcounseling, but that the university is doing a sub-par job ofinforming students of the services that are accessible.
Monathan Baker, a junior biology/pre-med major, said part of theproblem of students not practicing safe sex is because of the newliving arrangement.
“With Dillard having co-ed dorms [Dillard] needs to promote[safe sex] more,” said Baker. “I don’t think Dillard is promotingsafe sex or advertising it.”
However, some Dillard students feel that being in college bringscertain responsibility and accountability for ones own actions.
Lyeza Wicker, a sophomore marketing major, said everyone hasfree choice to do what they want to do and co-educational dormswill not affect safe sex practices.
“I don’t think it is Dillard’s responsibility [to promote safesex], and I think that Dillard provides adequate resources. It’s upto the person to use them,” said Wicker.
Although students are familiar with what safe sex is and whatsexually transmitted diseases can do, according to NolanBudegewater, people will still make their own choices.
Budgewater, a freshperson music education major said, “I know ofsome gay guys who go get tested together and when the results comeback negative they will have unprotected sex.”
Adriene Gill, director of Student Health, said Dillard providesstudents with ample support in the form of contraceptives andcounseling.
“[We] provide condoms, birth control pills and Depo-Proverashots. We also have a program, called Camp ACE, come everyWednesday to administer HIV and syphilis screenings,” said Gill.”We also recommend that students go to Delgado Clinic whennecessary.”
According to Gill, the health services department makes studentsaware of safe sexual practices by holding various functions such assafe sex parties, discussions and other safe sex collaborationswith Greek organizations.
Many times safe sexual practices are ignored because ofself-esteem issues. Wicker said Dillard should spend more time withthe freshman girls so they will not feel pressured to makedecisions that they will later regret.
“They think all these frat brothers and basketball players aretrying to be their boyfriends, so sleeping with them will get thempopularity or into a sorority, and it’s not true,” said Wicker. “Iknow from experience.”