Dillard University seniors began preparations for theirgraduation scheduled for May 7, 2005 by taking their seniorportraits on Sept. 29 through Sept. 30. Kearny was buzzing withexcitement and smiling faces filled the room as the seniors donnedgraduation caps and zipped up gowns to take their pictures.
Students checked each other over while waiting in a long line.Some students even sat in chairs extending the line out to the exitdoors.
“I am excited and ready to move on,” said Ayesha Martin, apublic health major from Lafayette, La.
But for all the happy faces, there could be tears if graduationrequirements are not met. Martin said she was confident that shewould walk down the avenue of the oaks on time, even though shestill has a year’s worth of courses to pass.
Although a lot of the students said they felt no need for worry,D. Migue’le Williams, a political science major from New Orleans,said that as his time at Dillard comes to a end; the pressurebuilds.
“My academics and community service hours are in order, butthings are getting tedious,” Williams said.
Like a lot of seniors, Williams is taking18 credit hours. Hesaid that when he completes all his hours; he will have cause forcelebration.
“I will be more joyous when my studies are completed,” Williamssaid.
Several professors agree that students are performingadequately. They say that students are working hard, but some arealready slacking even on the brink of graduating.
Community service hours do not seem to be a major concern forthe majority of the seniors, but not all feel that way.
Senior Crystal Hill conceded that the community service auditingprocess is of some concern.
“I worry that they won’t have all my stuff in order; they couldlose things and I would have to prove it,” Hill said.
Black caps and gowns with the Dillard colored blue and whitesashes draped the seniors as they took their portraits, andprovided by Jostens graduate services. Conversations of plans toattend theology, medical and graduate school filled KearnyHall.
While the seniors reminisced about their years spent at Dillard,they pointed out that Sodexho food, parking and the disorganizedaspects on campus would not be missed. But they would not trade inany of the experiences.
Most said they are ready to move on to a different chapter intheir lives, but also said they will miss friends, professors, theevents and the gleaming white and spacious green that is DillardUniversity. The class of 2005 plans to depart Dillard with amessage: study hard, prepare ahead, and be prayerful.