With the introduction of the new freshman class at Dillard, camea new staff of emerging faculty fellows who will serve from2004-2006.
The new faculty fellows arrived at Dillard University on July 12for a 25-day intense training and developmental program. Thetraining was the beginning of a new responsibility and challenge inthe lives of nine Dillard graduates.
This academic year brings Sebern Coleman Jr., Frank A. Davis IV,Christina Hughey, Kimberly Moorehead, Patrice Nickelson, Jay Smith,Tiffany Smith, Moniece Sorrell, and Sherika Wilson back to theiralma mater, in the spirit of reciprocity.
The responsibility of a faculty fellow is very interesting andunpredictable, according to Kimberly Moorehead, a 2004 graduate inmass communications. The St. Croix, U.S.Virgin Island native enjoysbeing able to assist incoming freshmen in making the transitionfrom high school to college. “I know what it is like being awayfrom home and trying to make this major transition,” Mooreheadsaid.
Making the transition from high school to college is verychallenging according to Frank A. Davis IV, a 2004 vocalperformance graduate who did not enter Dillard under the JubileeScholars program or an emerging faculty fellow.
The New Orleans native said that being an emerging facultyfellow is a wonderful experience for him because it allows him togive back to Dillard by guiding the freshman class. He also enjoysthe learning experience that his job is giving him.
“Being an emerging faculty fellow has taught me that I do notknow everything, and it has motivated me to learn more, and Iencourage all Dillard graduates to apply,” Davis said.
The mission statement of this group is to inspire JubileeScholars to enhance their logical skills, while remaining loyal totheir ambitions and to cultivate their social, academic, andspiritual growth.
This is exactly what encouraged Sherika Wilson, a graduate witha bachelor’s degree in social science from Dillard and a master’sdegree in social work from Tulane University, to return.
“I was happy to come back to my alma mater and assist the newclass of freshmen by letting them know that they can overcome theoverwhelming emotions that many encounter their first year ofcollege,” said Wilson.
With the dedication, reliability, and inspiration that thesefaculty fellows bring to the table, there is no doubt that theclass of 2008 will be nurtured to become one of the best classes inDillard’s history.