The Courtbouillon’s 18 questions are asked by
Dillard University students. We, the Courtbouillon staff chose to have 18 questions because Dillard was founded in 1869. The following are questions and concerns asked by current Dillard students:
1. Why is Dillard so unorganized?
2. Did people go to Jena for the right reason or just to get out of class?
3. Why is it that we talk so easily about what “the man” does to us, but we never talk about what we do to ourselves?
4. Why do on campus parking tickets cost more than city parking tickets?
5. Why do teachers have office hours, but are never there?
6. Why do the students that choose not to go to class get mad at the teachers when they are flunking?
7. Why do we make it our business to know what people do “behind closed doors”?
8. Why do we have a pool table in the “game room” (downstairs Kearny) but no equipment to play with?
9. Why are books so expensive?
10. Why do students wait until junior or senior year to try to find an internship?
11. Why is there “beef” or conflict between Greek letter organizations but they all are SUPPOSED to promote brotherhood/sisterhood?
12. Why does it seem like the students on Dillard’s campus put more effort into trying to get a significant other than they do into this $23,000 education they are paying for?
13. Do college students have any morals/values left?
14. Why are people wearing cowboy boots and knee high heels in this 98 degree weather?
15. When are we getting a football team?
16. When are we going to get a band?
17. What is a fAKA?
18. Why do people insist on being something that they are not?