Frank Duplessis/Courtbouillon
Three of the four Dillard students named to the Honda All-Star Challenge team include, from left, Jamia Collins, a mass communication junior from Bakersfield, Calif., the team captain; Aaron Brown, a political science junior from Atlanta; and Sarah Caldwell, a political science freshman from Dallas. A four-man team played in the preliminary game March 2 in the PSB. Eight HBCUs were present for the competition, and Dillard’s team ended the day with a 2-2 record. Forty-seven HBCUs will head to the national tournament in Los Angeles on April 8-12, including three other schools that competed at Dillard’s preliminary: Concordia College, Stillman College and Southern University New Orleans. Not pictured are Coach Amelie Wax and DU teammate Marley Lee, a biology freshman from Lafayette.