NEW ORLEANS (April 13, 2017) – Editor’s note: The column “18 Questions,” collected by Alyssa Labat, is a popular one with many Dillard students, who may ask questions serious or facetious, insightful or inane. It is named after the year the university was founded, 1869.
- Who will be the guest speaker at graduation this year?
- Will new workout equipment be added to the gym?
- Should classes be canceled for severe rain?
- How long does caterpillar season last?
- Why can’t family and friends send money to your DU dollars?
- Why isn’t the art gallery in Cook Hall always open for students?
- Should a safe-sex education class be offered for students?
- Why does this campus have so many speed bumps?
- Why do teachers and staff pay more for parking decals than students?
- Who designs the merchandise at the bookstore?
- Are students allowed sell their own products and merchandise at the bookstore?
- Why doesn’t Dillard host more parties on campus?
- Why aren’t more summer classes being offered?
- Why did Dillard decide to have a spring line?
- How do you start your own club?
- When will students be able to pick where they want to live for the next school semester?
- Will more work-study positions be available next school year?
- How do you properly challenge a grade?