Editor’s Note: The column “18 Questions” is a popular one with many Dillard Students, who may ask questions serious or facetious, insightful or inane. It is named after the year the university was founded, 1869.
1. Why do we have to fill out FAFSA forms every year?
2. Why do the security guards hold up traffic at the gate? Why don’t they let the cars with decals go around?
3. When are the on-campus spring events going to happen? Crawfish boil, please?
4. Why are the freshmen so bad? Like, how old are you all? This is college, not pre-K.
5. Why do we have to pay so much for the meal plan? The food only makes us fat and sick.
6. Can one of the organizations have a bake sale?
7. Does Dillard have paying summer jobs?
8. Is the 2010 Census really going to benefit us or hurt us?
9. This school has been around for 140 years so why, thanks to the sometimes-disorganized administration, does it seem like it’s only been around for a few? How long will it take for DU to get it together?
10. Why is the pool just opening with only a couple weeks left?
11. Why is America in a state of anarchy over health care?
12. Why doesn’t Dillard have more parties?
13. When we do have a party, why do only, like, four people dance?
14. Why do you always see janitors standing around, but they are never around when you need them?
15. Why was everyone so nervous about the Writing Proficiency Exam?
16. Has Dillard ever considered having a “Movie Night on the Oaks”?
17. Where are the sports? Why don’t we have a football team?
18. Can we get a city map for out-of-town students so we can stop walking around aimlessly?