Officers pose after induction ceremonies Sept. 21.From left are : Kennedy Watson, Devin Moss, Adriiana Jackson, Joseph Caldwell, Alyssa White, Darren Scioneaux Jr., Tevon Blair, Karmel Reeves, Mariah Hickman and Chelsea Bosley.
Photo by Rolanda Joubert/Courtbouillon
NEW ORLEANS (Oct. 6, 2016) – A Shreveport Mass Communication major and a Memphis, Tenn., Business Administration major have been inducted to lead the Freshman Class as president and vice president, respectively.
John Lawson and Nia Randolph were inducted Wednesday, Sept. 21, along with other freshman officers. Gaps on other class councils and the Student Government Association also were filled, including the election of senior Mass Communication major Darren Scioneaux Jr. as Mister Dillard and Houston Urban Studies sophomore Joseph Caldwell as SGA vice president.
For the second year, elections were held online, and glitches delayed the primary election by a day to Sept. 15 and the runoffs to Sept. 19. Some 397 students voted, representing less than a third of the student population.
Other freshman officers inducted included Kayla Hicks, secretary; Taj Odem, treasurer; Leah Erby, parliamentarian; Leslie Batiste, chaplain; Essence Warren, historian; Brianna Burnett, on-campus representative; Brianna Thomas, class attendant; and Revis Jackson, class gentleman.
The SGA cabinet was completed with, in addition to Caldwell and Scioneaux, Devin Moss as treasurer; Alyssa White, parliamentarian, and Adriiana Jackson, chaplain.
The Junior Class Council was completed with the induction of Jazmine Henderson as president and J’Kayla Lawson as chaplain.
Completing the Sophomore Class Council were Jeanna Johnson, president, and Akheem Dowl, gentleman.
Informational meetings were held Aug. 29-30, during which students learned the criteria and steps required to run for office, such as meeting grade requirements and being in good standing with the university. Nominations were held on Sept. 1, followed by SGA speeches and debates Sept. 8.
The Mr. Dillard Showcase was not held this year since Scioneaux was the sole candidate.
SGA President Tevon Blair said the election delays were caused by several system glitches that had to be addressed. One included a problem in which some candidates not being able to receive votes and ballots not matching the desired positions.
(Shelby Stewart contributed to this report.)